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3 September 2022

Subject: The Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF)’s belligerence is the cause for the absence of Peace in Northern Ethiopia

We, the undersigned Ethiopian organizations across the world organized as a Consortium, with members including Ethiopians and citizens of European countries, the United States and Canada,

Noting with outrage that the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) has launched a military offensive on August 24, 2022 reigniting the conflict and ending de facto the humanitarian truce, and this, at a vital harvesting season in Ethiopia which will exacerbate food shortage;

Recalling that the Ethiopian Government had declared a unilateral humanitarian ceasefire and the humanitarian truce, which paved the way for the provision of unrestricted access for humanitarian operators, including more fuel and cash to the Tigray region;

Further Recalling that the TPLF continued to militarize humanitarian supplies that were intended to support civilians, while failing to recognize and reciprocate the Ethiopian Government’s peace measures;

Further Recalling that the TPLF looted 570,000 liters of fuel from the UN World Food Program (WFP) warehouses intended for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people in Tigray before starting its military attacks in the neighboring regions of Afar and Amhara, targeting innocent civilians;

Recalling that since May 2021, many Ethiopian Advocacy Organizations have petitioned relevant policy makers in the United States, Canada, European Union and their member states, as well as International Organizations calling for them to make an effort to understand the situation in Ethiopia and urging them to scrutinize the known atrocities committed by the TPLF;

Condemning the forceful recruitment and use of child soldiers by TPLF using them in human waves as cannon folders in an obvious violation of international law and utter disregard for human life;

Deploring the “one soldier per family” policy, imposed on the People of Tigray held as hostage by the armed group, in exchange for food aid to commit to a reckless violent insurgency and its continued actions to destabilize Ethiopia. Once again TPLF is actively engaged in serious human rights violations attacking civilians in Amhara and Afar regions;

Deploring the deafening silence of the International Community in condemning such blatant violations of international law by TPLF, a violent armed organization, that was designated on the US “Foreign Terrorist Organization” list until 2014 and has been terrorizing Ethiopians including those in Tigray for decades;

Deploring the International Community in particular the UN, United States and EU Member states, for their continued sympathy and implicit emboldening of TPLF and its destructive, counterproductive and anti-peace acts to destabilize the democratically elected government of Ethiopia;

Appreciating the Ethiopian Government’s commitment to resolving the conflict in Tigray through peaceful means as demonstrated through its actions for the past months, notably its readiness to sign on an unconditional permanent ceasefire followed by arrangements for restoration of services in Tigray.

Noting with dismay that the TPLF repeatedly disregarded the peace efforts, failing to reciprocate and continuing with belligerent rhetoric fueling tension in Ethiopia and the region, terrorizing the people of Tigray.

Urge the international community to

  • Reiterate the importance of having a peace process under the undisputed leadership role of the African Union;
  • Scale up its cooperation and assistance to support the AU-led process;
  • Recognize efforts made by the Government of Ethiopia in providing unfettered access to humanitarian assistance and its commitment to resolving the conflict in Tigray through peaceful means without preconditions, and offering to meet Anywhere Anytime;
  • Pressure the TPLF to come to the negotiation table without preconditions.

Support the Government of Ethiopia in its commitment to peacefully resolve the conflict in Northern Ethiopia while being equally committed to defending the country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and security in the face of clear and present danger posed by the military offensive launched by the TPLF deep into the Amhara and Afar regions .

Call on Peace Loving Ethiopians in and outside the country to stand with their government and support the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and allied special forces and people’s militia through all possible means as they undertake their constitutional and moral duty to uproot the terrorist group, in case it continues to disregard the peaceful efforts, and pave the way for a lasting peace in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.


  • American-Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee (AEPAC)
  • Defend Ethiopia Task Force in Europe (DETF-EU) organized in Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
  • Ethiopian Advocacy Network and Unity For Ethiopia  (@UnityforEthio)
  • Ethiopian-American Civic Council (EACC)
  • Ethio-American Development Council (EADC)
  • Ethio-Canadian Network for Advocacy and Support (ECNAS)
  • Ethio-Czech Community z.s. (ECC)
  • Ethiopian Community in Spain (ECSP)
  • Ethiopian Diaspora Associations in Belgium (EDAB)
  • Ethio-France Association for Development of Ethiopia (EFADE)
  • Ethiopian Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation in Germany (EFDCG)
  • Network of Ethiopians in Geneva for Action Task Force (NEGAT)
  • United Ethiopian Community Association in South Africa (UECASA)