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22 December 2021

We, Ethiopians and citizens of European countries, members of the Defend Ethiopia Task Force in Europe organized in Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

Recalling that during November and December 2021, tens of thousands of Ethiopians in Europe have held demonstrations and rallies in Brussels, Belgium (15 Nov), London, United Kingdom (21 Nov), Rome, Italy (21 Nov), Geneva, Switzerland (25 Nov), Oslo, Norway (27 Nov), Dublin, Ireland (27 Nov), Milan, Italy (27 Nov), Frankfort, Germany (3 Dec), Paris, France (4 Dec), Stockholm, Sweden (11 Dec) and The Hague, Netherlands (15 Dec) as well as 21 cities in the United States of America to say #NoMore and condemn the undue pressure and intervention by the United States and the EU on Ethiopia,

Recalling further that since May 2021, Defend Ethiopia Task Force in Europe has sent over ten letters to European Parliament members, Ministries of Foreign Affairs of European Countries, European Countries’ Permanent Missions to the United Nations Office in Geneva, calling for them to make an effort to understand the situation in Ethiopia and urging them to scrutinise the now known atrocities committed by the Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF);

Noting with disappointment that until very recently that the EU has wasted resources accusing the Ethiopian government of terrorist acts ignoring its legitimate state monopoly over the means of violence, while the actual terrorists were allowed to attack the Government and people of Ethiopia with gay abandon;

Believing that we Ethiopians are more concerned about the Human Rights situation in our country than any representative of member states of the European Union or the United States of America, and as such that all Human Rights violations in all regions of Ethiopia should be investigated with similar rigor and impartiality under mechanisms agreed by the independent national Human Rights Commission;

Noting with dismay the resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on the 17th of December setting up international rights probe on a sovereign African nation against its consent, while it is faithfully implementing the recommendations of a recent report on the OHCHR-EHRC Joint Investigation;

Welcoming the Ethiopian Government’s decision not to cooperate with the established mechanisms imposed by the resolution against its consent whilst reaffirming Ethiopia’s commitment to fulfill its obligations under international law and protect human rights.

Call again on the international community in general, and the United States and European Union Member States in particular, to:

  • Stop interfering in internal Ethiopian politics under the pretext of humanitarian aid and human rights protection and be part of the solution rather than the multifaceted problems in the Horn of Africa;
  • Support your partner Government by condemning the TPLF as a rebel group, for its attempt to violently overthrow a democratically elected government and its confirmed recent acts of terror in the Afar and Amhara regional states as this will open a pathway to a lasting peace for the People of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa;
  • Respect Ethiopia’s sovereignty and listen to the voice of the People of Ethiopia on the basis of US and EU’s fundamental principles and values, which include democracy, rule of law, and human rights.
  • Change the narrative to one of fairness, justice, and parity of esteem; refrain from making uncorroborated statements and do nothing to encourage, incite or aid further violence against your partner country – Ethiopia.

Jointly with our compatriots around the world, we say #NoMore to double standards, #NoMore to coercive measures and #NoMore to meddling in internal affairs under the pretext of Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid.

The Defend Ethiopia Task Force in Europe Steering Group organized in Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom

